Welcome to The Reel Superhero Project! This post is to let you know how movies will be selected for review.

All movies eligible for review have been posted on our new Official Movie Review page!

To be added to the list of eligible movies, it MUST be theatrically released. Other qualifications are listed below:

  • Movies based off comic books are eligible to be added to the list.
  • Movies can be animated or live action as long as it was released theatrically.
  • Movies who later receive comic book adaptations, are NOT eligible for the list, unless strong support is shown by the community and listeners!
  • Movies NOT released theatrically but may be eligible are movies that were released digitally in 2020-2021 due to covid.
  • Netflix movies may be added if support or a desire is shown.

The eligible movie list is ever evolving, and will have movies added upon release, or large support from listeners. If there is a movie NOT on the list that you feel needs to be, email us HERE .

Movies are listed on the list alphabetically, with movie series such as the Christopher Nolan trilogy, or the Iron Man movies, only listed with the name of the series.

At the end of every review episode, the current list of available movies will be loaded into a picker at randomlists.com where it will randomly pick the next movie to be reviewed.

If a Series is selected in the movie picker, the first available movie in the series is what will be reviewed. We will not be reviewing Superman IV before we’ve seen Superman II! Series movies will remain in the list until the series is completed, and then it will be removed from the available movies list.

We look forward to getting this going and the long term goal of reviewing and ranking all of these awesome movies!