Greetings and Salutations!

If you are reading this, THANK YOU! Over the last year my fondness for Podcasting has grown tremendously. My Untitled BS Podcast co-host Sam and I recently crossed 52 episodes! That’s an entire years’ worth of gaming and pop culture content for anyone who cares to listen!

For the past year and a half, covid has given me lots of time to think and deep dive on what I want and expect from not only TUBSP but also from PSA Ink. My drive to create has risen more than ever and I’ve been slowly working at home on what I envision and want for the future of PSA Ink., and it’s possible expanded offerings in the coming years.

Over the last several weeks I’ve been asking a lot of questions about the podcast listening habits and preferences of anyone who will answer them, as well as friends who run podcasts! I’ve gotten some great feedback and have already began working on making some changes for future shows.

Over the next several days I’ll make some posts discussing some upcoming improvements to the Untitled BS Podcast, and talk about some plans I have for future content! In the meantime here a couple things to look forward to!

New assistant! – If you’ve heard any of the recent episodes of UBSP, I’ve bought some equipment to help streamline recording and distribution of podcasts. With it’s help, we’ll be able to have call in guests, play prerecorded audio clips, and more. On top of this the audio quality of recordings will vastly be improved and more consistent sounding. Finally, with the help of this handy mixer, we’ll be able to record remotely anywhere with no computers or external power source required!

Improved Show Notes w/ Time Stamps – Starting with the first June episode of The Untitled BS Podcast, show notes will now include time stamps to allow you to search through the episode to find the news or topic you care about the most! I’ve also already began updating links and past show notes. Time stamps will be added to all old podcast show episodes throughout the coming months as time allows.

Updated home page with individual show pages. – By the end of June, a new front page layout will be introduced with each podcast on the site also receiving it’s own dedicated and personalized page. Links on those individual shows will have specialized pages for guests and other show specific content!

More written content – Editorials, media specific reviews, and more will start rolling out over the summer! This includes some writing ideas I have that will b e incorporated across other social media and entertainment platforms.

I’m extremely excited about the potential of PSA Ink! If anyone wants to be involved and help with either content creation, or helping our social media presence, reach out to me

Stay Awesome

-Brandon Nichols (psaprez)