Starting today, Pizza & Cookies content will be migrating over to and be rebranded as PSA Ink over at and . The move is meant to place everything created by myself under one banner. Since day one, the “PSA” brand has always been a part of who I am. From my first ever email address, to my gaming, and online identity.

So what should expect from the new website and re-brand? Below are my (fingers crossed) plans for PSA Ink.


Untitled BS – Sam and I have had a lot of fun doing the Untitled BS Podcast. From our goofy episode names, to in-depth discussion over the future of gaming, it’s been a blast getting to share our love of video games with a splash of Pop Culture

Reel Superhero Project – I still very firmly believe in this project and will have more news in the coming days. I hope to have new episodes in the near future.

Untitled Podcast – Announcing soon.

REVIEWS & Editorials

As the world gets back to normal, I plan to talk about the biggest news in pop culture in gaming in writing, and not just podcasts. I’m also looking for anyone who might want to partake in this venture and join PSA Ink in discussing the news and reviewing the big releases in entertainment, from movies and books to television and games.


With games like The Last of Us 2 and Halo Infinite on the horizon, as well as a dawn of the next console generation, I am excited to try my hand at posting gaming streams and reactions, to further bring more discussion to the site and with people who love the medium.

Thank you for being apart of this ride with me. I am extremely excited about the future.